Relapse Prevention in Lewisville, TX

If you are battling an addiction to alcohol or drugs, relapse prevention in Lewisville can help you manage the various aspects of your addiction so you can ward off relapse. Drug relapse prevention may not cure your substance addiction, but it can help you lead a sober life and greatly enhance your recovery journey.

Addiction relapse is all too common. Yet relapse is associated with many diseases, so it's important for addiction sufferers to remember that relapse is merely a sign that more treatment is required. Even so, many addiction treatment centers offer specialized programs for relapse prevention.

What Is Relapse Prevention?

Relapse prevention incorporates the various treatments that are designed to help recovering individuals maintain their sobriety. Relapse prevention in Lewisville is offered at addiction rehab centers.

Relapse prevention addiction treatment encompasses therapies that address the components of addiction. It helps sufferers understand the many triggers that may have led them to abuse alcohol or drugs.

High-quality drug and alcohol relapse prevention programs give sufferers the tools and resources they need to successfully maintain their sobriety and continue along their recovery path.

What Is Relapse?

Many addiction sufferers don't realize how precisely relapse occurs. According to addiction specialists, relapse invariably occurs in stages. The emotional phase is the first stage of relapse.

During this phase, recovering individuals may not even realize that they are veering toward relapse. They may simply experience negative emotions such as anger, fear, or sadness. While these are common emotions, they can be powerful triggers that compel a person toward drug or alcohol abuse if not managed in healthful ways.

The mental stage is the second phase of relapse. During this pivotal stage, the sufferer begins to think about using drugs or alcohol. They might fantasize about getting high or drunk again. They may even visit locations or settings where drugs and alcohol are sure to be found like at bars, clubs, or parties.

The final stage of relapse is when the sufferer actually used drugs or alcohol again. The goal of relapse prevention in Lewisville is to help recovering individuals stop relapse before it gets to that final stage.

What Do Relapse Prevention Programs Accomplish?

When you take part in relapse prevention addiction treatment, you can expect significant focus on learning to manage your triggers in healthful ways. For instance, it's only natural to experience anger and fear, but these emotions can be a springboard to relapse.

Relapse prevention treatment programs in Lewisville offer therapy for coping with negative emotions along with other triggers that lead people to abuse drugs or alcohol.

Maintaining sobriety under real-world conditions can be challenging, so addiction relapse prevention must take a real-world approach to the problem. Recovering individuals can expect to focus on how to minimize their contact with bad influences and how to avoid high-risk situations that put them in proximity to alcohol and drugs.

Relapse prevention in Lewisville offers both individual and group counseling sessions that help sufferers learn how to prevent relapse in their lives.

Relapse Prevention Programs and Aftercare

Alcohol and drug relapse prevention is a primary focus of aftercare services, which is why addiction specialists continually encourage recovering individuals to seek out aftercare during their long-term recovery process.

Aftercare is available in many forms. Some people find that 12-step programs provide the post-rehab experience they need to help them on their recovery road. Others find that they need a more structured home life, so a sober-living community might be the right aftercare setting for them.

Your addiction rehab can help you select aftercare programs that are ideal for your needs and likes. You might select restorative yoga or an exercise program to help you forge a path away from drug and alcohol abuse.

Drug and alcohol relapse prevention programs highlight the importance of aftercare as an additional support for sober living in Lewisville. While intensive inpatient and outpatient therapies are essential for beginning your recovery journey, aftercare can provide that ongoing support many recovering individuals need as they transition back to their everyday lives.

Without this support, many individuals will relapse according to statistics. Even so, relapse prevention in Lewisville can help you avoid becoming one of those relapse statistics.

Relapse is a grave concern for addiction sufferers. Many substances like heroin and meth are associated with high relapse rates. Nevertheless, relapse prevention programs can help you maintain your sobriety and prevent the destructive forces of relapse from affecting your recovery journey.

If you have questions about addiction treatment, drug relapse prevention, or aftercare, be sure to contact a Lewisville rehab center today. Call now at (877) 804-1531.

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