Sober Living in Lewisville, TX

If you are recovering from an addiction to alcohol or drugs, spending time in a community dedicated to sober living in Lewisville can provide you with the support you need to maintain your hard-won sobriety.

While your inpatient rehab or outpatient rehab can provide you with the initial treatments you need to start your recovery road, a sober living network can help you prevent relapse during those initial weeks, months, and even the first year of sobriety when you are most vulnerable.

By understanding the types of sober living programs you have access to, you can choose sober living housing or programming that suits your individual needs.

What Is Sober Living?

Drug and alcohol rehab centers typically deliver the initial treatments needed for addiction sufferers to begin their path to addiction recovery. As intensive as treatments and therapies can be, many individuals require more lengthy support as they integrate back into their lives. Sober living programs provide a framework for ongoing addiction recovery support.

From half-way houses to sober living communities, sober living recovery gives individuals a chance to reside in a place that promotes sober living and provides programming to help recovering individuals ward off relapse.

For many addiction sufferers, returning to their former lives after a month in inpatient rehab can feel incredibly overwhelming. Moreover, these sufferers may still experience cravings and still feel too vulnerable to combat the triggers associated with their alcohol or drug use.

A sober living community eases them back toward independent living while allowing them to practice their new strategies for coping with triggers.

Some sober living treatment centers offer the renowned SMART Recovery plan that has helped many addiction sufferers successfully achieve long-term sobriety. Different from 12-step programs and other addiction treatments in Lewisville, SMART Recovery teaches self-empowerment as a means to maintain sobriety.

During SMART Recovery sessions, recovering individuals will meet at a drug and alcohol rehab center or facility for sober living in Lewisville to discuss how to build and maintain motivation to stay sober, how to cope with urges and triggers to use alcohol or drugs, how to manage negative emotions that can lead to relapse, and how to lead a more balanced and healthful life.

Sober living programs like SMART Recovery can help you learn skills you need to help you throughout your life so you can maintain your sobriety indefinitely.

Is There a Difference between Halfway Houses and Sober Living Housing?

Both halfway houses and a sober living facility can help people maintain sobriety, but there are differences between the two. A halfway house is typically free or paid for by the government.

Many people newly released from incarceration will spend time in a halfway house. Although some people residing there struggle with addiction, others do not. A sober living community, on the other hand, is focused entirely on sober living.

Depending on your finances and insurance, you may find that one or the other is best for you. Both settings can support your goal for sober living.

Living in a Sober Living Facility

Sober living in Lewisville provides recovering individuals with the ability to lead an independent life that is, nevertheless, nurtured by sober living programs and ongoing support of the addiction recovery process.

One of the great things about residing in a sober living network is that you'll be surrounded by other people who share your goals and your challenges. Many people create brand new social circles that are dedicated to leading more healthful lives.

During your recovery, you may need to shed unhealthy relationships. That's difficult. But making new acquaintances can lead to lasting friendships that are rooted in positive ways of living and thinking about life.

Why Should I Enter a Center for Sober Living in Lewisville?

If you are concerned that returning to your former home could derail your recovery, you should consider sober living housing after you are released from inpatient rehab. Those initial months after intensive therapy can be challenging.

Many addiction sufferers benefit from the programming and support found at a sober living facility. Sober living treatment centers will help you ward off relapse and practice the new skill sets you began to develop during your inpatient rehab treatment.

In time, you may be ready to transition from sober living programs to life on your own, but remember that recovery takes time and the ongoing support from sober living networks can help you reach your goal of long-term sobriety.

If you want to maintain relapse prevention in Lewisville and your commitment to sober living, remember that a center for sober living in Lewisville has resources to help you stay on your recovery path. Call now for help (877) 804-1531.

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